Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The word "Helix" keeps poping up from my head these days after I first saw it from mkow's reply to one of the blogs. I found this magical word is actually pretty interesting. Imagine the helix on a screw and you were tiny enough to walk on it. Due to the gravity, you can't go backwards but keep going down on this unpredictable journey. You may be scared by the scenaries behind the corner but you should be brave enough to overcome all the bumpies otherwise you will get screwed!
It doesn't matter you are walking on a long, short, rotten, or stainless screw, as long as you finished your journey at its sharpest point.

Friday, January 8, 2010

dream comes true

it was pretty amazing that mkow and clown's idea, 3D OS, happens in the real world. Though it is still under development, the actual usage of it is really on-the-fly. Sorry about that it's pretty hard to explain the feeling when you see something dreaming of happens in front of you suddenly. I have quoted mkow's prediction of next generation of this dream. So that I've bookmarked his concept in one page of my life. And maybe can sell this idea some years later, haaha..

"let me think, the advanced version of this would be more than gesture. People start to use nerve signal instead of hand gesture to control a computer."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Time Machine

Time Machine is not an innocative concept anymore but still the fascinated dream of everyone, including myself. I like the conept of being travel back and forth on this neverending dimension. However, if you believe changing from the past would result in a better present life, then you will fail because if Time Machine works, everything on the timeline has been pre-destinated. Changing from the past could only change the result of this set of sequential events but could not predict what would happen if this set is not going to happen. Similarly, to predict your life from the future could only help you on doing something from now on achieve some goals in future but doesn't mean these goals are error free from your future life. I would get a ride on the Time Machine only if it is a read-only Timeline Machine.