Wednesday, October 27, 2010

lup lup - our chihuahua

it's been long time without updating this blog. to be honest, it's really moody in last 20 days. we've been happy, been sad, been laughing, been crying. the connection between us has been built up even we could only see each other thru a monitor. i believe we will meet again very soon. no matter what will happen, she is always our chihuahua, our lup lup. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

1st blog of using "Blogo"

've been using osx 10.6 for a while and had loaded some useful application as well. today i've started using this app called 'blogo' on my mac to see if it works like how it supposed to be. the best thing of blogo is u don't have to login blogspot but writing blog directly thru this little piece of app. haha,.... i think this is such a good tool for those heavy loaded bloggers (like mkow, perdonare). but for now, i only found this for mac version. what a pity..