Wednesday, September 22, 2010

end of training

no doubt, this intensive training section gives me lot of useful information. believe it or not, this is my first month to explore the server by typing unix command, phrasing sql to read and understand database after being software testing for 6 years.. i know that mkow and mghost are really stepping ahead of me on these things but i believe it's never too late to know these from now. i didn't tackle down 18-bronze-man in this shaolin temple but the flame of my heart is starting to sparkle again. it's time to start a new page of my life with you (mghost). please support my back.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


The 911 of this year has a special meaning for me. One of the Ms has finished his Australia trip. This trip is not too long but i could feel it must be not comfortable as we thought. Good job, mkow! I believe you should have a wonderful page of your life after this 222-day journey. Anyway, remember to treasure and cherish the remaining days at Aus. You should have no another 222-spare-day in short future. :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

shoulin temple..

i've started my 3rd week of my new job. the job and environment is not that easy to adapt with, at least not like the lives at xign :) (no offense, mkow and clown). i've treated this as the 'shoulin temple' in order to light back up my matches of 'software testing' and understand different business. no matter taking this as the future reference for mkow's plan or filling up my own bucket of water, this is very useful. i don't know how long would i stay but i'm pretty sure that bring this pair of left dragon + right tiger would have no harm of my upcoming life. mkow is coming back soon, looking forward for that.