Tuesday, September 7, 2010

shoulin temple..

i've started my 3rd week of my new job. the job and environment is not that easy to adapt with, at least not like the lives at xign :) (no offense, mkow and clown). i've treated this as the 'shoulin temple' in order to light back up my matches of 'software testing' and understand different business. no matter taking this as the future reference for mkow's plan or filling up my own bucket of water, this is very useful. i don't know how long would i stay but i'm pretty sure that bring this pair of left dragon + right tiger would have no harm of my upcoming life. mkow is coming back soon, looking forward for that.

1 comment:

  1. add oil!!! hard life can earn more i always believe that...if everytime have a tail wind, i will feel my trip too easy lol
