1st gen - Face 2 Face (f2f)
this is what i start with... at the very beginning, each individial could only rely on talking / reacting with each other to express their feelings and demanding what they need. so, this is what 1st generation about:
- direct communication as a whole;
- rely on face to face contact and discussion
2nd gen - Phone
people starting work and live far from each other; however, communication is still necessary to survive. living standard and technology also started to arise, this 2nd generation becomes:
- people started to live with far distance
- direct communication becomes less important (say 1/2 left)
- face to face contact and discussion becomes less important
- hearing the voice is good enough to finish the communication (1/2 of whole)
3rd gen - Internet + Instant Messenger
Hearing the voice became the basic of communication from 2nd generation; however, the replacement, internet, started to develop during this generation. internet breaks the barrier of distance of people living and proving 'text' could also replace the need of voice:
- people started the need of mobility (say 1/4 of the whole)
- talking on phone requires to sacrifice the mobility of work
- direct communication becomes not important (say 1/4 left)
- using 'text' to replace the existance of phone conversation (1/2 of whole)
4th gen - Terminal (facebook, twitter...)
mobility becomes more and more important to each individual. people couldn't stand for staying in front of the instant messenger to discuss while leaving 'messages' (like voice mail in 2nd generation) instead. people started to believe communication is not necessary to work directly all the time. therefore, such terminals are helping people on this:
- mobility becomes the basis of life
- indirect communication being popular (3/4 of the whole)
- ways of direct communication still has their values but become very minor (1/4 of the whole)
when observing its trend, 'mobility' will, sooner or later, become the whole of communication. people inside this kind of community(F/B, twitter) can visit and discuss with each other. however, up to 4th gen, people still require to 'login' / 'access' those terminal to let people know their update. and also, people outside this community would never know what where those updates. so what i'm thinking of 5th gen will be like this:

all these communities will be united into one and people no need to login to it while the community will update all people about their friends' status. say for this example:
mkow is now riding his bike without carrying his laptop. when he passes a message collector, he could use his phone to send his message to the collector.(it doesn't matter what kind of message is sending as all communities are united) The collector will then transfer mkow message to the terminal, so that namidae would be notified about mkow's location right now.
under this situation, people are not bounded by each individual communities but the access to this united community. as i remembered mkow told me 'i want to buy iphone, so that no need to bring netbook'. this line implies that the need of netbook is access the web -> community, if the phone could do this, netbook is no need to carry.
that's what i thought about 5th gen, mkow, now is your turn to help on tweaking this :)
An interesting idea!
ReplyDeleteUnited community...i am thinking...combine with the 'wireless' trend i foresee, will be very interesting...my idea of future wirelss will like 'everything can connect to internet thru a small electronic component which just have the download/upload function and 24 hrs connected to internet'...e.g. if i just snap a photo, and the camera can connect to internet, it pass the photo to the connector and upload to the united community, as a result, ppl in my community can know it and even ppl outside the community with interest in the photo of lx3 can know about it...
but of coz, i am thinking...your idea is to expand the communication in internet by breaking through the usage of 'web' and makng it adapable to different kinds of media...
My another sense of thought is not expanding the communication, but which rather to focus on 'maintaining friendship'...because i find that facebook is cool in knowing new people, however it doesn't have much to deepen the relationship...just like throwing line to connect to others, but only dotted lines, not solid lines at all, i am thinking while the time of internet communication is more 'faster', 'instant'...it's good to have a geneartion change to attract people's heart...1st,2nd,3rd generation of communcation is un-replacable, coz they still have the 'deep connection' between ppl,if 5th generation can have this kind of deep connection...together with your idea of more 'instant/univerisal' communication...would be great!!
i just think of an example, if like ada seldom on facebook becoz she is too busy or her sons are sick...how can we know and give our concern...in 4th generation, she needs to login to facebook and share her status, in your pre-5th generation, she needs to send a message or do whatever to connector, in my pre-5th generation, is there something else on top, which she doesn't need to do much, but we can give our concern and support to her, (may be she disappear a while, may be she browse some medical website, may be wantever)our lines are deeply bounded by this 5th generation, not even need to tell, we know our friends' status....
i want to break thru the 'frame' that internet make ppl's relationship further apart...i believe with internet, ppl's relationship can be closer instead..
but again, your idea is really a good one and worth to develop, it will be in the form of communcation (technology side) for sure in futre...
that's why i said i need your tweaking on my words la~ your 1st paragraph is what i want to tell: using a 'device' to upload and download stuff to the connector / terminal to broadcast to friends with same interest.
ReplyDeletei buy your idea that to develop the 'sense' should be one of the next generations becuz 'sense' is what we were looking for during 1st gen. internet or web shorten the length of people but have no way to build up the sense and touchable feelings, so, 'sense' should be one of the main topics on this.
i was actually started thinking of your example of Ada incident for 5th gen, which is like people will know which web or actual shops / place u are visiting. this could really help on building up 'relationship'; However, lots of people will against this becuz they will loss their privacy if their acts are being auto-traced and broadcasted. like if u want to vist marco at Melbourne and giving him a surprise but he will be notified when u are at the same location of him. 'truman show' is also another example, just the way to present is different (using tv broadcast instead). that's why i put arrows from A, B, C, D are one way while to A, B, C, D are also one way.
however, if this privacy thing can be solved or using another way to bypass, that will be lovely becuz this is also what i was thinking at the beginning for 5th gen. :) maybe marco could give us some idea on his 5th gen (if he has time, hahah)